Jan’s advice and information is wide ranged and often hilarious. When Buffy asked Jan how he got himself into a position to travel so freely he simply stated: “Find a young impressionable girl, make sure this girl is an alpha and has a sister who is also an alpha and get her through college- then ride the success of this girl.” He said this with a smile and then explained that he met his wife while she was in college and taught her to ski, climb, camp, backpack and kayak and she married him. He then told us that his wife was/is amazing and was so easy going they rarely argued and never fought, this he explained- was also why she was so successful in her career. Jan also threw out other wonderful words of wisdom such as:
“Three rules to life: don’t get dead, don’t get pregnant and don’t do wrong turns.” Wrong turns, it turns out can be interpreted in many ways…. Don’t do bad things to others; don’t make bad decisions, etc.
“If it is supposed to move and doesn’t- wd40 it. If it moves and shouldn’t- duct tape it.”
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